About us
The Seaborn Jones Cotten Camp is just a small part of a larger national Sons of Confederate Veterans organization. Founded in 2018, the Seaborn Jones Cotten Camp has been at the forefront fighting to honor and remember the lives of Confederate Veterans. The camp has worked tirelessly to find or replace damaged graves stones of both Union and Confederate soldiers. Putting up military markers to ensure these brave veterans are never forgotten. Our organization is a Veterans organization and does not condone hate in any shape or form.
Joining the Sons of Confederate Veterans
The SCV is the direct heir of the United Confederate Veterans and the oldest hereditary organization for male descendants of Confederate soldiers. Organized at Richmond, Virginia in 1896, the SCV continues to serve as a historical, patriotic, and non-political organization dedicated to ensuring that a true history of the 1861-1865 period is preserved. Membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans is open to all male descendants of any veteran who served honorably in the Confederate armed forces. Membership can be obtained through either direct or collateral family lines and kinship to a veteran must be documented genealogically. If you are wanting to join the Sons of Confederate Veterans email Seabornjonescottencamp2303@gmail.com our representatives will reach back out as soon as they can to help you on your journey.
The Face of the SCV
Our Mission Statement
“To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier’s good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish.”
~Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee~
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25, 1906